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⚠️ Enquête EC over belasting op tabak en vaping producten ✏

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De Europese Commissie houdt een enquete over belasting op tabak, tabaksvervangers en vaping producten. Doe alsjeblieft je zegje! Open tot 22 juni 2021




Vanaf de helft ongeveer gaat het o.a. over vaping. Je kunt ook duiding geven aan je keuzes in de tekst velden op het eind.


Ik heb een flink pleidooi getypt, neem het gerust over:

Bright minds have concluded that the culprit for health problems with tobacco products is the smoke. One of the first concluded this back in 1976 and scientific evidence in support of this has piled up in since then, especially in recent years.
Smokers primarily crave the nicotine, now both scientific studies and hands-on data from countries with progressive policies on those products have clearly shown high smoking cessation rates (UK and Norway).
The public and personal health dangers of alternative nicotine administration like snus and vaping are magnitudes lower compared to smoking. Like tobacco such products will attract new young users too and since nicotine is an addictive substance with minor adverse health effects and as such first-time use should be discouraged by barring sales of nicotine containing products to minors and by providing honest and clear information about these products.


In conclusion; considering the highly reduced risks that vaping poses (and it is not a tobacco product) and seeing the positive results so far from countries that made such products more accessible and provided their citizens with honest information it must be concluded that reduced harm products like vaping and snus should be tax-free and possibly stimulated by providing such products to current smokers that aim to quit smoking (recent trials in the UK are following that approach).


Finally in tobacco discussions it must always be noted that all such discussions have a strong risk of industry lobby. Tobacco and pharmaceutical lobbies in the U.S.A. have clearly influenced decisions of US lawmakers and have consequently also influenced the stance of the WHO and various national health organizations. EU lawmakers should be aware of this at all times and be vigilant in their search of the truth.
The current TDP2, current taxation proposals and the banning of flavoring in vaping in various nations have had and are already having strong adverse effects on public awareness and have diminished what could be (could have been) a major positive shift in how nicotine is used.
I warn policy makers that while they might think to be striving for a "smoke-free civilization', by focusing on taxation and regulation they just might be working in the interest of tobacco and pharma industries instead and in the process harming the health prospects of tens of millions EU citizens, primarily those with low income and of minority groups, which several studies have shown to be impacted most by this.
As a last note I'd also like to add that by not following current scientific consensus on these matters, the EU also risks widening the already problematic gap of trust and confidence between their civilians and their institutions.

Please be on the right side of history.

Edited by Damperampetamper
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Top @Sub-Ωhm spread the news!


Ik kwam hier op via de belangenorganisatie ETHRA, waar ook vermeld wordt dat de WHO (niet geheel onverwacht) per 12 april hierin de leiding heeft genomen en belastingen aanraad.

Er staan daar ook ontwikkelingen en reacties hierop uit verschillende landen. Vooral de reactie van UK steekt er weer positief bovenuit, check it out:


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